Steel-Cut Oats with Dukkah

Ceci ce n’est pas une poste.  This is not a post–it’s a reminder of what you can do with dukkah.  In this case, breakfast: steel-cut oats with Greek yogurt, diced beets, a soft-boiled egg and dukkah.  If I’d  had leftover roasted carrots, or a little braised fennel, or some kale… well, you get the picture.  You get a whole grain and a vegetable with some protein under your belt and you haven’t even left the house yet. 
Don’t bother clicking on the MORE link.  There is no more.  This is it. 

13 thoughts

    • Hi, Dorothy–One of the virtues of having an interesting staple like dukkah is the ability to throw something interesting together when you don’t have a lot of time. Thanks for stopping by. Ken

  1. I recall being at a dinner at Rialto a few years ago, and Gordon Hammersley making some comment about Jody putting dukkah on EVERYTHING!! But it makes just about everything better :) Alas, no dukkah in my bare cupboard, but I may do the steel-cut oats with a poached egg for my pre-ride breakfast.

  2. Pingback: Quickie: Before and After « Enter, Fitness!

    • We eat more steel-cut oats–often with an egg on top– for breakfast than anything else. Some day we’ll do a post that is nothing but photographs of all the ways we enjoy. I’m glad you liked it. Ken

  3. I thought I was crazy for having my oats with eggs! Nice to know I have company. I usually also have some coldpressed oil ontop. Jujube-dates (red dried chinese dates) are really tasty with oats as well, they have a nice spicy “rasin”-like taste, but more spongy and foody (although I don’t know how to get my hands on new ones when I’ve eaten up the ones at home! Another trip to China, perhaps, so I can by more jujube dates).

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